Fitness & Health
You must have Calculo installed on your device to try this template.
Total daily energy expenditure
weight = (input Weight) to kg
height = (input Height) to cm
age = @((input Age) to years)
BMR = @(10 * weight + 6.25 * height + 5 * age + 5)
active_days = input Active_days
activity factor = 1.05 + (max(1, active_days - 1) / 7)
output calories_per_day = BMR * activity factor
output calories_per_week = calories_per_day * 7
graph Different activity levels = [0, 7] => (BMR * (1.05 + (max(1, i - 1) / 7)))
Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is an estimation of how many calories you burn per day when exercise is taken into account.